Monday, May 11, 2015

Got it

Living in another culture is not without its challenges. And today's challenge before breakfast was a jumping spider.
Who never saw that shoe coming...the second time anyways.:)

Friday, May 8, 2015

Busy busy busy

Over the past few days the community development students (whom I am one of three) have been getting to do what they have learnt, been taught and read about. I have been enjoying spending time in the community, meeting with individuals and groups. I do have to say the meeting where we met with community leaders was more my thing. Enjoying public speaking and leading groups, I found myself very much in my element. Besides the intense heat. I wouldn't object that being turned down a few notches ;) tonight we have supper with various student leaders in the community. Our goals is to discover their dreams, assets, and passions. We want to be a pair of outside eyes that perhaps gives fresh perspective on how this community can move keep moving forward!
We have been busy and this afternoon we are off to the Free Zones. Which to my understanding is an area of factories where many people are employed.

Looking forward to sharing more in depth on the Ambrose blog tonight! :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Climbed it.

Today my friends and I descended a mountain that we climbed yesterday. Some may think, 'oh, cool she climbed a mountain.' And I just want to express that this was not just any mountain. After about half an hour into the climb I started to feel like


After a brief stop at a creek I cooled down that internal body temperature and pushed on. Reenergized and feeling optomistic we did hill after uphill. With about a quarter of the way to go, I popped a squat and drank some water like a hockey player. My blood, in the 35 degree heat, pulsating through every vein. By now, that optimism has wained. Somehow, with God given strength, my legs pick myself up and finally, after two hours I reached the mountain village which was our final destination for the night.

To those that are climbing your own personal Everest me
You are stronger than you think.
You are even stronger with God.

No matter the disadvantage the world tells you you have, or YOU think you have...your mind is a powerful thing when determined. You can do more than you think you can. Sometimes you just have to do things in your own timing.

Paso a paso.   (step by step)

I cannot express to you with words how proud I am of myself and thankful that God gave friends to plod and trudge on with. He is good. He gave creeks, a breeze, shade, and flat ground when he knew I really needed. I would of preferred those good things much earlier ;) but he knew the relief to be felt and gratefulness I would express and in the end the victorious pride of feeling accomplished from persevering. 

There is more to this story then my inner victory, more to do with what we did and experienced while visiting this mountain village and for the sake of time you can find that here :

But know friends,  the journey in whatever form it takes may be hard,  but the reward is sweet.